Saturday, November 17, 2001

What Girls Want

Just heard about a guy who claims he has done a study on girls and knows what they want. (But he won't reveal the details of the study and research results to other guys). He claims that's the reason why girls swoooooon over him. Blah! I didn't! In fact, he doesn't know head or tail of what girls want, I think. For one, he couldn't remember my name! (Remember the famous one-liner- 'I'm sorry I forgot'?) Now what could put off a girl more than that?
Kudos to his research and hope he keeps up the good work! Happy boasting, fella!

DuMb AnD dUmBeR

Men can boast about their smartness and intelligence as much as they can, but when it comes to women, those same qualities run away to Timbuktoo. Most of them can never NEVER understand when a girl has a crush on them. It's always the GIRLS who figure out such things and tell their guy friends about the girls who like them.
Brains gone for a toss, guys?

But I must admit that some girls are even dumber. More than half the time a stupid does not realise that a guy is fed up with her and is aching to move on. It's not difficult to read a guy's actions, or is it?

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