Saturday, November 24, 2001

Smarter kids, huh?

Everyone says kids are smarter these days. By kids, I mean those below 10 years of age. They can understand, observe, respond and argue better than the previous generations at their age!

And all this is thanks to the pre-schools and pre-pre-schools and the pre-pre-pre schools which weren't there even in my time. By the age of one and a half, kids are off to school and get some serious work done-- all in preparation for the Final Exam, interview for the Big School.

To enter the Big School, the student (the kid I mean) has to undergo a group interview conducted by the school teachers. Mind you, the child is alone in a room with strange kids and even stranger adults. In other words, most of the children get nervous in such an atmosphere. And the shy children lose their tongues. ABC is forgotten, Mary runs away with her little lamb and 123 is far away.

And the ONLY deciding factor is the interivew. The tongue-tied children obviously fail this interview miserably and when the rejection letter comes from the school, who is to be blamed? The system, the school, the parents, or the poor child who doesn't even know what the letter is all about?

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