Monday, November 19, 2001

The REAL Truth

I've had enough of listening to nonsense, most of which is untrue. I HAVE to let out the truth.

You see, most people (I mean older generation) have a totally wrong picture of teens. They have the general idea that teens are cool dudes or dudettes, who only watch movies, party, go for late night drives, and run away from responsibilities. And all this because that's what teens like them to believe.

But they are quite different from what people (again I mean older generation) believe. And I've decided I'm going to convince you about it.

Now, just like in Physics we have ideal or hypothetical situations which we use for comparing with practical situations, so applies to teens. Confused? Hold on, I'm clearing things up. What people think about teens is the 'Ideal Teen'. But what teens really are is the 'Practical Teen'. The Ideal Teen, just like the hypothetical situation in Science, does not exist.

Given below are the characteristics of an Ideal Teen. Check if ALL of them match with a teen you know. If and only if all the features listed below match any teen, then the Ideal Teen exists.

Characteristics of an Ideal Teen

  1. An Ideal Teen has no pimples.
  2. An Ideal Teen watches at least one movie a week.
  3. An Ideal Teen has around 10-15 friends in his/her group.
  4. An Ideal Teen studies only only the night before the exam.
  5. An Ideal Teen is always disrespectful and rude.
  6. An Ideal Teen hates any kind of work.
  7. An Ideal Teen changes his/her girl/boyfriend every fortnight or month.
  8. An Ideal Teen never attends lectures.
  9. An Ideal Teen hangs out with his/her friends almost daily.

    Think about it now. You will realise soon enough that an Ideal Teen is non-existent in nature.

    Then who are those whom you see in short skirts and sleeveless vests? Those are the Practical Teens. More about them some other time.

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