Saturday, October 19, 2002

Top 5 Ways to make Headlines
5. Celebrate your 60th birthday with a bang.
4. Drive without a licence and get caught.
3. Install cameras in your pre-school.
2. Annouce your engagement to a very famous actor's son or daughter.
1. Declare a war on terrorists- whoever they are, wherever they are.

'I Hate E-mail!'

That's what I heard someone saying yesterday. I wouldn't say I was surprised. I was shocked. ,br>
How can anyone hate e-mail and the Internet? Since the day I got my computer, I've been addicted to it. Have used it for anything and everything.

And here there are people, with access to the WWW, and they say, they hate it. It's like hating the telephone.

What do you do with such people?

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