Saturday, June 15, 2002

Bhagat Who?

Forget the Bhjagat Singh movies for a while.

Pre-Bhagat Singh movies, if you had asked a school kid if he knew who Bhagat Singh was, the reply you'd get would probably be,"Yeah, some freedom fighter, right?" You couldn'y blame the child for that- because most history textbooks focus on Gandhi's ideaologies and Bhagat Singh remains just some person with just a paragraph dedicated to his fight for freedom.

Well, the scenario is a bit changed now. People know who he is now.

Out of curioisty I asked a few people about Bhagat Singh. And I was surprised to learn that almost the entire city of Amritsar had taken to the streets to protest against the hanging of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev. Many even fasted 63 days along with Bhagat Singh and comrades.

If this isn't patriotism, then what is?

Anti-Gandhi or not, these films have achieved their second objective (if not the first one to earn money)- create awareness about people who did much for their country, but aren't remembered that much.

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