Thursday, April 25, 2002


The things people do to get attention! Climb mountains, shave their heads, make blogs! (The least one was a joke, ok?). Of course, there was a family which had put up a family on behalf of a new-born baby! The baby sure had his/her (I don't remember the gender of the kid) five, or perhaps ten miutes of fame.

But that's nothing. There is a certain class of people who would go to any length to gain attention. Exaggerate, lie about themselves, even in a negative way!

I'm talking of those who go on and on about their ailments and diseases miserably and as seriously as if it was AIDS or a brain tumour. One such young lady happened to be seated besides me a fast food restaurant (I don't give specifics unless required, remember?). With great detail and melodrama she was describing to her friend the number of dieases and ailments that she had had uptil that moment. The list went on and on. As if a seriatim of unheard-of illnesses wasn't enough, she proceeded with her family history, and went upto her grandfather. She might have delved higher up the hierarchy if it wasn't time for her to leave.

Despite of what she talked (and oh boy, how much she did!), she certainly caught my attention. ;-)

Law Education Compulsory?

Here's a new proposal to make our education system a more effective one- introduce Basic Law and Court Procedures in school and college syllabuses, and make it compulsory.

Why? Did I hear you ask why??????

The answer lies in Miss Ektaa Kapoor's programmes. First they had a judge ignore important photographic evidence in Kaahin Kissii Roz. If the victim was alive, shouldn't the court have asked for an investigation into attempted murder? The next glitch: a judge asking a blind girl to identify her rapist(s)! No prizes for guessing this episode.

Ah! Educated scriptwriters (and even more educated producers) needed! Anyone around? Please reply to Miss Ektaa Kapoor. You'll find her hanging around with a glycerine supplier.

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