Sunday, January 27, 2002

I think I have an answer...

I tried my best to find out the reason behind the cold wave in Mumbai (it's so cold today, I'm wearing a polo-necked shirt), and I found a possible answer to my query. According to my well-read cousin who is an authority on every topic, the tempertures in Mumbai vary with the weather changes in Shimla. It recently snowed in Shimla and the effect was felt here. Sounds far-fetched, but a quick scan of any geography text book will remind you of the weather and the factors which influence it.

Brave People

Here we are, being taught the importance of future security, and sticking to a career that is most-suited for our personality, and pays well too. Throughout their teens, kids are taught the importance of building a secure future, and sticking to it for the rest of their lives. At least that's what I have always been advised to do.

But now I notice things changing. On I read about an ex-CEO who now works as a counter-hand at McDonalds. Now that surprised me, why would a CEO of a well-known ad agency want to work at McDonalds?

And then I read about a few people who handle 3 or more different types of work simultaneously. Passion, restlessness, experimentation, whatever may be the reason for this trend, one thing's for sure: it's definitely catching on.

Perhaps I will be the next victim. Just hope my family does not faint from shock.

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