Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Foeticide v/s Suicide?

A few days ago I mentioned female foeticide in my blog. On first hearing it, anyone would self-confessed 'modern' person would exclaim:"Oh my! How cruel!" On second thoughts however, anyone's mind may change.....

Getting rid of a foetus is another thing, but giving birth to a child and then killing her daily is another. The latter is exactly what happens to most unwanted, unaborted female foetuses. The girl is born without much celebration or fanfare as in the case of a boy. She is then brought up, educated and all the other things that have to be done are done, but with a sense of burden, rather than love or responsibility.

This situation is similar to you wanting a red shirt, but your friend giving you a blue one inspite of your express desire. You won't like the blue shirt as much as the 'wanted' red one, will you?

That's what happens. Unwanted girls are clearly and without any embarrassment treated less favourably than boys. The boys must be sent to the best school in the country, whereas the girl can go to just any B-grade one, won't make a difference. This is just one minor example, things can get much worse.

I know of a girl who attempted suicide, much to her friends' amazement. They always thought of her as a happy-go-lucky person. But her enthusiasm, it seems, was just a cover-up. A cover-up to hide from her friends and classmates that she was an unwanted girl receiving no affection or love from her family. Of course her suicide attempt took her parents by surprise(!).

But it shouldn't be a surprise. What kind of life must it be for a girl who knows that she's just a problem; not being loved or cared for, or looked after?

Her life must be hell. Maybe worse than that. No one will ever know what happened to the girl if she dies......

In that case, won't foeticide be a better (read less cruel) option?

What is a Blog for, anyway?

By definition, a 'blog' is an online journal or log or personal diary belonging to an individual or a group.

So what is one expected to write in them? My answer is: anything. Anything what you are thinking about and would like to share. If I suddenly start thinking about movies, and a moment later, about academics, then it should be on my blog. That is, if I'm comfortable writing about it.

But according to my friend, who doesn't bother to open my blog, a blog should be 'interesting'. This is what happened next.

In this, P is her.

Me: Interesting? How?
P: Well, you know, stuff that your friends would like to know about you....
Me: Like what time I woke up, what time I went to college, what time I bathed, and what kind of music I'm listening to?
P: Yup, something like that.
Me (to myself): Grrr....
P: Well? Will you be doing that from now?
Me: No. But wait till Tuesday and see what I do.
P: What will you do on Tuesday?
Me: Give you a dose of what I'm doing now. Wait and watch.
P: I don't mind!

Well P, you wanted to know about what I do, right here on my blog, I told you what I did on Sunday....happy?

(Note: Grrrrr......)

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