Saturday, July 31, 2004


A Society for Prevention of Cruelty towards Males? Give me a break. Sure, "innocent" men are being targetted by women. But exactly how many men are being targetted? Aplenty, feels the writer Nandita Puri. How many exactly? Hardly 1% of the men in India? Not even 1%. The writer knows about these women-slamming-fake-charges-on-men incidents because they get reported and are whispered about everywhere; because they are unusual cases. Or even bizarre.

Why not an SPCF? Does a man get harassed when he's travelling by suburban train late at night? How many men get (Adam)-teased? Crimes against women have always been there, and are now a quotidian activity. That's why the atrocities are not reported that much anymore. If a newspaper were to report all the cases of eve-teasing occuring in one day, in one issue, there wouldn't be space for any other news.

Just because women have an active voice in society... OK, I need to stop. Or I can go on and on like a bullet train.

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